Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CNFiL: Rescue Mission Near Zanjeer

A Chernarusian special forces strike team is tasked with finding and rescuing a Chernarusian tour group in western Lingor after the tourist plane they were on was forced down near the village of Zanjeer.  The time is January 4th, 2014, at 0500 hrs.

The following is the scenario briefing:

Major, A Chernarusian civilian tourist flight went down in northwestern Lingor yesterday afternoon.  The seven survivors have been captured and are being held at a residence compound near Location 1579 for ransom.

Our operatives tell us that the rebels are expecting the Lingor government to mount a rescue attempt from the south.  Your strike team is ordered to mount the rescue from the north.

The Lingor rebels have reinforced the ares with about 40 fighters in four locations. Another 20 are in  Zanjeer.  We don't know if they will join in the fighting. About 10 are holding the hostages.  The remainder are concentrated in three fortresses, all of which your team must seize before attempting the rescue.  A Lingor Police patrol boat will be carrying your ammo resupply.

Your strike team will insert by  sea about two kilometers from its first area of operation and then fight its way to the location of the hostages.  Once all three fortresses are cleared and you have the hostages, send a radio signal and the Lingor Army will send two transport birds to your location to transport the hostages to safety.

All the best, Major

This after action report begins with a seaborne insertion:

The strike team leaves its two assault ships aboard two Zodiac boats.  One of the assault ships will provide naval gunfire support, while the other is the extraction ship.  Forces make landfall and prepare to move inland towards the first of the three rebel fortresses.

The team commander breaches the wall of the first compound and the eliminates the targets inside.  The explosion alerts a number of rebel shooters who converge on the location.  So many rebel shooters converge on the area, that they clear out the second objective.

At the last fortress, the commander eliminates enemy resistance and then orders his red team across.  Preparing for the final assault on the residential compound where the hostages are being held.

A brief firefight ensues, as the commander sends his red team across.  Meanwhile the naval gunfire support is on station and providing cover.

Chernarusian forces deal with numerous enemy counterattacks at the location where the hostages are.  Once the hostages are secure, the unit's medic renders medical assistance before the hostages are put on board a Lingor Army chopper for airlift from the area.

The Lingor Army bird appears, but as the hostages are about to load rebels begin to open fire. The unit's medic is killed.

One of he Lingor Army birds crashes, so the commander moves to the extraction rendezvous.  He will put the civilians on the naval gunfire support ship, and the rest of his team on the designated extraction ship.  The scenario doesn't end as planned, but the hostages are safe and clear of the area as is the entire Chernarusian deployment.

The latest version of this scenario improves a number of things which went wrong.  I may wind up adding even more rebel shooters to spice up the scenario.

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