Saturday, December 23, 2017

Attack on Chernarus Intelligence Assets in Altis

Situation: Your Chernarusian Tier One teams are holding an intelligence asset, recently snatched from Russian rogue military at a safe house in northern Altis. It is 0430 hrs and you just received an anonymous phone call that your location is compromised and that a Russian GRU Spetsnaz team will be on you in a matter of minutes.
Intelligence: You only know of a Russian team coming to your location, but you also know the Russians often hire local emigres, and retired Russian and Chernarusian rebel operatives for additional tasks and security.
Friendly Forces: A six man team, part of team loud is at the guest house providing security while the asset is being interrogated. At the safe house itself, you have your four man team. A long range sniper is nearby.
A friendly militia unit is not too far away, but it is an open question whether they will come to your aid.
A friendly local militia group consisting of two technicals is based in Ioannina, plus you have a B-25 attack aircraft based at Stratis. As long as communications are not cut off or compromised, they should come to your aid.
Operational Orders: Your orders are to get the hell out of Dodge. The package at the guest house is the mission. She must be protected at all costs and delivered to Ioannina as soon as possible.

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