Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Spectre from the Past: 'Conservative' media stars get caught in a cash grab for Rossiya


This originally was published in on September 5th, 2023

By Chris Covert


What a difference 11 years make. That is how long it has been since the conservative media sphere had a rock solid scandal with regard to payments from foreign sources.

Back then it was five writers (that we know of), including Ben Domentech of Red State and other media outlets who wrote for a foreign government in 2010.

The reports surfaced in 2013 revealing that the Malaysian government gave out big paychecks to a series of writers -- erstwhile conservatives all -- to provide positive coverage in several media outlets, among them Huffington Post, San Francisco Examiner and others.

This is all the short version. Its long, detailed form can be found here..

The link in the title is to a Daily Mail article about US government sanctions against RT, AKA Russia Today, and hereinafter referred to as Rossiya Sevodnya, where the Russian media outlet and some of its fronts were indicted for violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a federal statute so old it is rarely, if selectively, enforced.

Names which came up in the course of Daily Mail work included some media figures, including Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, and Lauren Chen through the Tennessee media company Tenet Media, owned by Chen's spouse, Liam Donovan. They were all identified as conservative, a label through the Biden years which has lost practically all meaning. Those four were employed by Tenet Media, a fact of which I was unaware. I thought that Pool was an independent. Guess not: Just another working stiff pulling down millions courtesy of Russian media.

Some important distinctions should be made: One is that Pool did some media work in Ukraine post coup, so it is hard to see why he would do media work through his account for Rossiya Sevodnya, or would at least ensure his work would not appear in what I label Russia's CNN.

Two is that Scott Ritter, not included in this scandal, actually does write for Rossiya Sevodnya, and had made it no secret, and has run afoul of the FARA. If you read the article I wrote back in 2013, you will see that affected PR writers later were registered in the FARA database years after they did their work.

I suspect in order to stay on the federal government's good side, those five named in the Daily Mail article will wind up in that database as well.

But now, I bet that label will be splayed all over paid media: "har har, see the conservative money grubbers writing for Rossiya Sevodnya."

In fairness to the five media influencers it is easy to see how they were deceived as to the provenance of those payments, them with their hands out, their editorial integrity untouched. It's hard to Google Russian names; the Russian language has all those weird characters, and, besides, the Russians never spell things right.

So, weirdly, we have a media scandal, to call it what it is, this time during a national election in which a foreign government issues fat pay checks to one political side, and asks for so little in return.

It is clear the Russians still are trying to figure out how the US government gets the US national media to side with the US government without resorting to threats or to cash payments.

As for myself in relation to this story/scandal: I never made much money as a machinist. But whatever money was paid I was 100 percent certain it was for services rendered. No one was harmed from my efforts and product went out the door either for resale or for end use.

Were I to receive from anyone as little as $5 for my current activities online, I would want to know who it is from, and most importantly why.

The reasons are to express my thanks to the generous individual and to let my public know about the payment.

Were I not to receive a satisfactory answer to who and why, I would be compelled to return the cash payment, with grace and gratitude for their generosity.

Such an easy thing to do to retain your integrity.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Arma 3 Mods - Coastal Operations

 To import this preset, drag this file onto the Launcher window. Or click the MODS tab, then PRESET in the top right, then IMPORT at the bottom, and finally select this file.

[DEV] CUP Terrains - CoreSteam
[DEV] CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0 (Chernarus 2020)Steam
A-1H SPADSteam
Advanced AI Command (Multilingual Support)Steam
AGC - Advanced Garbage CollectorSteam
Ai accuracy fixSteam
AI Driving Control v2.6.7Local
All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe)Steam
Arma Realistic Map Assets V2Steam
ASR AI3Steam
BG21 Slaughter AssetsSteam
Blastcore compiled by neetchSteam
BW Frigates (AI Asset)Steam
Community Factions Project (CFP)Steam
Cossack KubankaSteam
CUP Terrains - CoreSteam
CUP Terrains - CWASteam
CUP Terrains - MapsSteam
CUP UnitsSteam
CUP VehiclesSteam
CUP WeaponsSteam
'Demise' Operations shipSteam
Drongos Command EnhancementSteam
Elephant Island 2035Steam
Enhanced MovementSteam
Enhanced Weather + Clouds Mod v2.1Steam
Flying LegendsSteam
G.S.E.P MapsSteam
HAFM NAVY Core & Weapons part - (discontinued)Steam
HAFM NAVY Old version ships replacement - for mission makers (discontinued)Steam
Hellenic Armed Forces Mod (HAFM)Steam
Hellenic Armed Forces Mod (HAFM) - NAVY (discontinued)Steam
Interiors for CUPSteam
Large Civilian ShipSteam
Napf Island A3Local
NATO Corvette [v1.1.1]Steam
Naval Boarding Actions - Breachable shipsSteam
Naval LegendsSteam
No More Aircraft BouncingSteam
POLPOX's AAN 2035 ResourceSteam
Pook Boat PackSteam
Project OPFORSteam
Real Panzer Tank A3Steam
RYD LiabilityInsuranceLocal
SFP: Swedish Forces PackSteam
Simple Phone ReworkSteam
Smarter TanksSteam
Tembelan IslandSteam
TOH - Static Civilian ShipsSteam
UMB ArmavirSteam
Vác - Hungary Map [ALPHA]Steam
Virolahti - Valtatie 7Steam
ZEPHIK Female Units V2Steam
Русский Женский ГолосSteam