Sunday, February 9, 2014

Raid on Barro

Counternarcotics Mission Two
November 21st, 2013

The second mission for the Chernarusian Naval Forces (CNF) detachment in Lingor was a raid on a tiny village in western Lingor named Barro.

The mission briefing:

 Major, our intelligence operatives tell us that from time to time a Chedaki transport unit billets in Barro for the night when it is too dark to move their goods.  We have an opening to attack a small unit of narcos and to gain intelligence.

Your team will insert by sea at Landing Zone 1 then travel by foot inland to the village of Barro.  We are told that by the time your team gets in place, the enemy will completely drunk and unable to fight.  Barro has a population of about 20 people. In addition the Cheadkis keep women in the village in case they are stuck there for the night.

Your mission is to wipe out all enemy opposition, avoiding civilian casualties wherever possible, destroy all enemy vehicles including the supply trucks, and exfiltrate back to the landing zone.

A stealthy, low key approach to the western shore of Lingor.  Two four man teams in two Zodiac boats.  All teams have suppressed rifles with sighting lasers.  The group commander has two satchel charges to destroy enemy supplies and logistics.


Landfall.  the CNF commander assembles his two teams into one and then prepares for the one kilometer march to the area of operation in Barro

As expected, the approach march is uneventful as the CNF squad approaches Barro from the north.

Lasers on as the squad is deployed on a line running east to west.  Villagers in Barro have several barrels afire in the village, and are standing around on the northern edge of the village.

The eastern part of the line catches a roving patrol and open fires, killing two.  The  enemy detail commander is seen by the CNF commander running towards the west, and the CNF commander attempts to engage.  Instead, the western half of the line catches the rifleman and he falls dead.  The CNF commander observes a civilian on the ground.  Then he decides to hump it into town.

The commander attempts to make the northern side of the village using a wooden shed as cover.  Hearing a voice in the vicinity, he orders his team to the ground to assess the situation.  Part of the eastern line has already dispatched the driver and the gunner of the pickup truck, and is attempting to enter the village from the east.

Three huts and three dead bad guys.  In the last hut, the commander accidentally guns down a civilian female.  In the last hut, the western part of the line attempts to kill the commander, but the CNF commander instead kills him.

Everyone is dead. First part of the mission is accomplished.  The CNF commander moves to set the explosive charges that will destroy enemy logistics.  The targets are two supply trucks in the southern part of the village and the pickup truck with the two dead bad guys.

The CNF commander searches the enemy commander for documents, and finds them and some cash.  Unit keg party, here we come!

A quick march heading back to the landing zone and the rendezvous with the Zodiac boats.

The other team is aboard and it's home for the CNF team.  Mission accomplished.

The raid on Barro was nearly cost free when considering the loss of life.  But subsequent actions by Lingor rebels and drug cartels would add to the difficutly of succeeding missions.

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