Saturday, December 23, 2017

Moschnyi Island amphibious landing operations

Two scenarios, both of them amphibious landings on Moschnyi Island , the Chernarus owned island in the fictitious Green Sea. Both are unopposed landings.
Both have similar objectives: to land a naval light infantry force supported by two ground interdiction fighters to secure a location, one in Kyslin, one at Musil Heights.
The basic strategic objective is to compress enemy forces and bottle them up on the eastern end of the island, until sufficient forces can be deployed to take over the island.
Only one has a subsidiary objective, to cross open ground and take the heights against an enemy fixed position. The height itself is meaningless, as it contains one log residential building and a barn, except to serve as a platform for an artillery observer.
The Musil Heights scenario is based on a minor operation during the Kursk campaign in WWII, 74 years ago this July, where the Germans could secure a height where they could observe artillery as far as visibility will allow. The Soviets knew what was at stake, and they fought the Germans to a standstill.
In the end the only thing the Soviet accomplished in their preventative counterattacks was to destroy the Germans' offensive capacity in the east for the rest of the war. And in so doing, destroying so much of their own offensive capacity, it would be nearly a year before the Soviets could mount a full assault on German forces again, next time in Bagation in July 1944.
In both scenarios, losses for the Chernarusian are usually heavy, minimum 30 percent. And in both I can play the whole scenarios without getting shot and killed, about half the time.
In other words,a great time.

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